that is, assembly of scenes from the day.
my life is not, by any means, dramatic or wildly interesting, but i find pleasure in the mundane (for those grammar fiends out there: is there a noun form of mundane? i've wondered. haven't looked it up). here goes...
1- the elevator. we all encounter these everyday. but, i've found that elevators are some of the most interesting places in the world. there, you'll encounter frightful folks, hurried folks, and people just floating along. i used to be a little fearful of these things, myself. but, since i've been at college, i realize that these are some of the best places to observe people and get material for my writing. sounds creepy, but if you're a writer, you know what i'm talking about.
2- the street. mundane, yes. but as i embarked on a rather long (and rather hot) trek from one place to another yesterday, something about the hum of the street made me smile. the cars were the same (angry, steaming, heaps of metal scooting along), the street was the same, but i was happier just being around them. this, friends, is what being indoors all day does to a person. you start liking stinky, grumbly hunks of metal and glass.
3- un arbol. only because it's rude to take pictures of people as you walk down the street. it's a pretty tree, but the people in front of me were way more interesting. alas. decorum wins again.
5- an army of nail polishes. over the years, i've collected quite a few nail polishes. this photo does not do them justice. it does, however, show how horribly i have [not] organized them. what can i say? i like pretty paints.
there you have it, friends. my life, mundane as it may be, laid out for you. i watch people. i take walks. i paint nails.
until next time (and because i want to stop writing to listen to louis armstrong sing "la vie en rose"),
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