Thursday, July 14, 2011

aubade, but not really

new day, i love you.

you pull me out of bed, beckoning me closer to the sun, closer to life just-bubbling up from the pot. you tell me to wash the dreams from my eyes. you tell me to make things new.

there's always something mystical about the first moments of the day--what might happen when i walk out the door? who will i meet? what will i see?

new day, you let me catch your breaths and ride them. you fill me with air.

things are right in the morning.

things are all right in the morning.

new day, let me hold you just a little longer. you age far too quickly--your eyes sag, your limbs grow thin. you give way to the forceful sunlight too easily. you become strong and violent. let me have you longer and longer. don't go, don't go.


so, that was a weird not-poem but kinda poem. love song to the morning, if you will. will you?

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